Bible study. It is NOT intimidating. Some may know more, some may know less, but we are ALL a team that prays for, and depends on the Holy Spirit for guidance in this incredibly noble pursuit!
What pursuit is that? Listening to what God says to us directly in his Biblical Canon. And we are in no way opposed to going to Father Alex for clarification and support as necessary should a question go beyond our expertise.
“But why should a Catholic study the Bible”? St. Jerome said, as far back as the 4th Century, that “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ”. And as well, Three Popes have written Encyclicals on studying our wonderful Bible.
Pope Leo XIII wrote about it in his Encyclical Letter on the Study of Sacred Scripture (Providentissimus Deus) in 1893.
Pope Benedict XV wrote about it in his Encyclical Letter Commemorating the 15th Centenary of the death of St. Jerome (Spiritus Paraclitus) in 1920.
Pope Pius XII wrote about it in his Encyclical Letter promoting Bible Studies, (Divino Afflante Spiritu) in 1943.
None of us know it all. How can we possibly know the mind of God? But we can support each other in listening to Him through his Bible. And we all LEARN FROM EACH OTHER THROUGH THE GUIDANCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT!
That, dear friends, is Bible study, We have been in God’s Bible for four years, and we continue. Regardless of your level of Biblical knowledge, you are Baptized, and you possess the guidance of the Holy Spirit on which each of us depends. We are all learning and supporting each other in our collective journey.
Questions? You can speak to Steve and Judy Smith at 706-896-4019 or Pam and Jim Craig at 828-389-6708, active participants in the study of God’s word. We’d Love to have you join us!